Ground Ambulance

Along with Air Ambulance, BahamasEvac Services also offers Ground Ambulance Services for persons in New Providence (Nassau). This service is ideal for:

  • Tour operators, cruise ships, vendors, private islands, gated communities, hotels and other air ambulance providers requiring ground transport to the nearest hospital or medical facility
  • Families who want the added peace of mind knowing should a medical emergency occur, they will have a reliable quick response.

For more information on ground ambulances, please call: 1-242-323-1162 one of our experienced staff members will be glad to assist you 24 hours a day.


One of our experienced agents will be glad to assist you 24 hours a day.

ALL of our Subscription based Ground Ambulance services fall under:

NON Members requiring an Ground Ambulance trip will be billed accordingly. Review the Nassau zone map and Contact Us to get a quote.

Zone 1

Coral Harbour Rd to Western Road West & South West Bay

Zone 2

West Bay to Baillou Rd Carmichael Rd, Fire Trail Rd

Zone 3

Beatrice Ave to East West Highway to Baillou Rd Carmichael Rd, Fire Trail Rd

Zone 4

East Bay to Eastern Rd Beatrice Ave to East West Hwy to Baillou Rd.

Choose BahamasEvac for
your Ground Ambulance needs.